my little baby, are you ok?
what are you thinking and why do you say
"i see no future, i don't believe it at all"
open your eyes, look at the world
there's around no reason to heard
"i see no future, i don't believe it at all"
i'll give you everything all that you need
all that you need to feel fine
and overmore that material shit
i'll be with you all the time
just please believe in me, that's all i need
help me a little and i'll succeed
i see the future, future is you and you - all
too much i'm asking? please, tell me, dear
'cos it's so hard to achieve when you hear
"i don't believe in you, is there's a future at all?"
"future comes suddenly" - dad always say -
whether you want it or not
so, why don't we drive it our own special way
'cos there's advance that we've got:
one autumn day in that september
miracle came to believe and remember -
future is here and we are the future at all
'cos i love you